Edited by Yukio Otsu
Publication date: December 2001
ISBN 4-89476-149-1 (Paperback)
3,600 yen+tax
Hituzi Publishing Company(ひつじ書房)
Three Years of Continuous Acquisition
Luisa Meroni, Andrea Gualmini and Stephen Crain 1-33.
Movement and q-Roles: A Case Study with Resultatives
Mamoru Saito 35-60.
Children's Interpretation of Universal Quantifier and Pragmatic Interference
Takuya Gouro, Hanae Norita, Motoki Nakajima, and Ken-ichi Ariji 61-78.
Wealth of the Stimulus> L2 Acquisition of French Object Clitics
Julia Herschensohn 79-96.
Coordination without Coordinator
Hironobu Kasai and Shoichi Takahashi 97-117.
Why does movement sometimes leave a trace and sometimes not?
Masakazu Kuno 119-144.
The Acquisition of Quantificational Expressions of English-speaking Children and Japanese-speaking Children
Shigeko Matsufuji 145-162.
The lack of Root Infinitives in Child Hebrew and Deictic Anchoring
Jeannette Schaeffer and Dorit Ben-Shalom 163-186.
Some Asymmetries in Child Japanese and Their Theoretical Implications
Koji Sugisaki and Miwa Isobe 187-208.
Preposition Stranding and Double Objects in the Acquisition of English
Koji Sugisaki and William Snyder 209-225.
A-Movement in Early English
Rosalind Thornton 227-250.
Native Elements of Discourse Knowledge
Cecile van der Weert 251-274.
Grammaticality Judgment Patterns of English Left Branch Violations of Japanese Adult L2 Learners
Maki Yamane 275-283.