Edited by Yukio Otsu(大津由紀雄 編)
Publication date: December 2000
ISBN 4-89476-131-9 (Paperback) 3,800 yen+tax
Hituzi Syobo Publishing Company
Issues on Unaccusatives and Passives in the Acquisition of Japanese
Tetsuya Sano 1-22
Grammatical Null Objects in Child Spanish
Hanako Fujino 23-34
To Be Simple or Not to Be: Constrants in Optimality Theory
Haruka Fukazawa and Linda Lombardi 35-54
The Role of Constituent Length in Resolving Reanalysis Ambiguity
Yuki Hirose 55-74
Acquisition of Resultatives in Japanese and the Theory of Compounding Parameter
Miwa Isobe and Koji Sugisaki 75-92
Diachronic Accounts for the Idiosyncrasies of English Imperatives: Language Acquisition of Eighteenth Century
Takaomi Kato 93-112
Phrasal Compounds in English and Japanese: A Dynamic View
Chiaki F. Komatsu 113-132
-(S)ase- or Not: Input-Driven Acquisition of Causative Forms in Japanese
Hiromi Morikawa 133-152
Preposition Stranding and Prepositional Complementizers in the Acquisition of English
Koji Sugisaki, William Snyder and Daniel Yaffee 154-170
From One-way to Reciprocal Verbal Communication: The Early Stage of Pre-linguistic Development
Taeko Teramoto, Hideo Hayashibe, and Satoko Ichikawa 171-180
Japanese and Korean Children's L2 Acquisition of the English Dative Alternation
Melinda Whong-Barr and Bonnie D. Schwartz 181-200