
Proceedings of the Third Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics

Edited by Yukio Otsu
Publication date: November 2002

ISBN 4-89476-173-4 (Paperback) 3,800 yen+tax

Hituzi Publishing Company(ひつじ書房)


Indeterminate Pronouns: The View from Japanese

Angelika Kratzer and Junko Shimoyama 1-25.
Parameters: The View from Child Language

William Snyder 27-44.
Relevance Theory: A Tutorial Deirdre

Wilson and Dan Sperber 45-70.
Children's Command of Negation

Stephen Crain, Amanda Gardner, Andrea Gualmini and Beth Rabbin 71-95.
Acquisition of Phonological Sublexica in Japanese: An OT Account

Haruka Fukazawa, Mafuyu Kitahara and Mitsuhiko Ota 97-114.
On Null Subjects in Child Russian

Galina Gordishevsky and Jeannette Schaeffer 115-137.
Facets of Case: On the Nature of the Double-o Constraint

Ken Hiraiwa 139-163.
Syntax-Phonology Interface of Wh-Constructions in Japanese

Shinichiro Ishihara 165-189.
Early Acquisition of Head-Internal Relative Clauses in Japanese

Miwa Isobe 191-210.
Children's Knowledge of the Interaction between Binding Principles and QR

Hirohisa Kiguchi and Rosalind Thornton 211-234.
How Large Can Small Clauses Be?

Masakazu Kuno 235-259.
L2 Acquisition of Causatives by Spanish, Chinese and Japanese Speakers

Keiko Matsunaga 261-282.
Experimental Studies on Children's Undergeneration of NO with PPs

Motoki Nakajima 283-304.
Exclamatory Sentences in Japanese: A Preliminary Study

Hajime Ono 305-326.
Parameter Setting in the Acquisition of Japanese

Koji Sugisaki 327-349.
Information Structure and Innate Knowledge of Linguistic Principles

Cecile van der Weert 351-368.