
Proceedings of the Sixth Tokyo Conference on Psycholinguistics

Edited by Yukio Otsu(大津由紀雄 編)
Publication date: November 2005
ISBN4-89476-264-1 (Paperback) 4,200 yen+tax
Hituzi Publishing Company(ひつじ書房)

Syntactic Structure of Ditransitive Constructions in Japanese: Behavioral and Imaging Studies
Masatoshi Koizumi 1
Bilingual Lexical Processing: Contrastive Polysemies
Somsukla Banerjee, Achla M. Raina, and Harish Karnick 27
Double-gapped Relative Clauses in Chinese: Grammar and Processing
Shane Xuexin Cao, Helen Goodluck, and Shan Xingyuan 53
Children's Knowledge of Principle C in Discourse
Anastasia Conroy and Rasalind Thornton 69
Minimalist Parsing and Japanese: On Theory and Experimental Factors
Sandiway Fong and Yuki Hirose 95
Examining perceptual distance in phonological vowel reduction
Dylan Herrick 117
Syntax-prosody (mis-)matching in sentence production
Yuki Hirose 139
The Interpretation of Focus in Chinese: Child vs. Adult Language
Chunyuan Jing, Stephen Crain, and Ching-Fen Hsu 165
N'-Ellipsis Reconsidered
Makoto Kadowaki 191
L2 poverty of the stimulus at the syntax-semantics interface: Quantifier scope in non-native Japanese
Heather Marsden 217
Japanese Sluicing as a Specificational Pseudo-cleft
Chizuru Nakao and Masaya Yoshida 243
Remarks on the Scope of Nominative Objects in Japanese
Masashi Nomura 269
Exclamatives as Comperatives: Evidence from English and Japanese
Toshiko Oda 293
Children's Structuring of Motion Events: Syntactic Universals and Lexical Variation
David Stringer 319
"One" Issue in Acquisition
Koji Sugisaki 345